Am I a Good Candidate for Veneers?

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Am I a Good Candidate for Veneers?

candidate for veneers

Whether you are a good candidate for veneers has multiple factors behind it. The state of your teeth currently and how you want your smile to look in the future are only two things to consider if veneers are right for you. If you’re considering veneers as a cosmetic upgrade for your smile, see if you make a good candidate with this guide from us at Langley Dental Care.

What Are Veneers?

If you have slight gaps between their teeth, stained teeth, or chipped teeth, you may want cosmetic solutions to correct these issues on the front teeth. Generally, there are two options – dental bonding and porcelain veneers. While these both correct the cosmetic problems, they have different compositions and procedures for fitting. Therefore, choosing between them is just as important as recognizing your smile’s need for cosmetic correction.

However, aside from improving the appearance of your teeth, these two solutions are more different than they are alike. For instance, dental bonding uses a composite material shaped by the dentist in the office during a single visit. However, these tooth coverings don’t last as long as veneers.

Porcelain veneers require the preparation of the teeth to allow for the bonding adhesive to hold the veneers in place. Unlike bonding, veneers require custom creation in a lab. Therefore, you will need to return to the dentist for a second visit to have the veneers placed. The veneers have a ceramic composition that lasts for years and stands up to staining. In fact, veneers last longer than bonding and look more like natural teeth.

What Are the Benefits of Veneers?

Choosing porcelain veneers over bonding is a personal decision that you should always discuss with your dentist. However, veneers have many advantages for those who choose them to restore their smile.

First, those who choose veneers will have a restoration option that lasts for a decade or longer. This outperforms bonding for longevity.

Second, veneers are customized to your teeth. Therefore, they match the color of your natural teeth and have a shape that is proportional to the rest of your mouth. Consequently, when you get porcelain veneers, you have dental coverings that don’t look artificial.

Third, veneers continue to look great for the duration that you have them. They do not stain. Since many people choose veneers to correct severely stained teeth that don’t respond to whitening or chipped teeth, a solution that does not stain is ideal.

Consequently, you won’t have to worry about whitening your veneers.

Do you want to take advantage of these benefits for yourself? Find out if you have the qualities of a good candidate for veneers.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Veneers?

Because veneers require preparation of the teeth and last for years, you cannot make the decision to get them lightly. Unlike bonding, porcelain veneers are irreversible. If you have questions or concerns, always ask your dentist.

1. You Have Healthy Gums and Teeth

First and foremost, you must have healthy gums and teeth to support the veneers. The dentist will need to remove a small portion of the front of your teeth to accommodate the bonding agent and the thin veneers. With surface preparation, both sit at the same level as the surrounding teeth. Therefore, your teeth that will hold the veneers have to be healthy enough for the preparation step.

2. You Want to Stick with Veneers for the Rest of Your Life

Due to the preparation required for porcelain veneers, you will need to stick with it for the rest of your life if you choose this option. After ten years, you will need to replace them with porcelain veneers if your veneers wear out. You cannot switch to dental bonding. Both require different forms of preparation for the teeth. Therefore, you cannot have bonding if you want veneers.

Some people choose bonding first as a more cost-effective and faster solution until they have the time and money to invest in veneers for the rest of their lives.

3. Want a Long-Lasting Solution

You may be a good candidate if you want a lifetime solution that may only require updates once a decade. Porcelain veneers last much longer than dental bonding. So, if you want something that will be a long-term investment, veneers are a good option.

4. You Only Need Minor Corrections to the Appearance of Your Front Teeth

Good candidates for veneers typically only have minor cosmetic damage to their front teeth. For instance, stains or chips in the teeth are readily corrected by veneers, as long as your gums and the teeth roots are healthy. If you have problems with your teeth or gums, you may need additional treatments such as scaling and planing to treat gum disease or fillings to fix dental decay.

5. You’ve Already Had Whitening on Your Teeth or Don’t Need It

Because porcelain veneers don’t stain, they also don’t respond to dental whitening. Therefore, if you want to whiten your smile, consider having professional dental whitening done first by the dentist. After brightening your teeth, the dentist will match the veneers to your new color. Then, all your teeth will have the same bright, healthy look.

Contact Langley Dental Care in Charlotte, NC, for an Evaluation to Determine If You Are a Good Candidate for Veneers

Do you want a long-lasting, beautiful smile that looks natural? Before you can enjoy the benefits of veneers, you must make an appointment with us in Charlotte, NC, at Langley Dental Care. During this visit, our doctors will examine your teeth to see if your dental health makes you a good candidate for veneers. If you qualify, you can get started on the procedure and have your custom-created veneers placed on your teeth in a follow-up visit. Once your veneers are in place, you will have a bright, natural-looking smile that corrects chips, stains, and gaps. Find your new smile today with a call to Langley Dental Care.

Dr. Kari Langley
Dr. Kari Langley, DMD, an Auburn University and UAB School of Dentistry graduate, has been practicing since 2004 and focuses on providing personalized dental care to help patients achieve their unique dental goals. She is dedicated to creating healthy, beautiful smiles by tailoring treatment plans to fit each patient’s lifestyle and needs.
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