What can I expect from a dental exam?

Our dental exams are individualized for each patient. Patients present to the dentist with an array of issue or none at all. We cater to each individual’s need and treat them in the proper manner. At a typical dental exam, our team will thoroughly evaluate your mouth as a whole. Your exam will include an evaluation of your teeth, gums, TMJ, and oral cancer screening. Your dental team will take x-rays of your teeth and perform an examination of your mouth screening you for the most common dental diseases: tooth decay, periodontal disease, and bruxism (grinding & clenching). The majority of the visit is focused on discovering what is important for the patient and educating the patient on any issues or concerns that are in his/her mouth. Typically, the first visit takes 1 ½ hours and a preventative cleaning is completed if the patient doesn’t exhibit any gum disease.

How can I prepare for a dental exam?

Don’t be embarrassed to be honest about your oral health habits and your dental goals – our team is not here to judge you, but to work with you to improve your dental health. The best way to prepare for a dental exam is to practice good dental care prior to your visit. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day is recommended. Be sure to clean your teeth before you arrive at your appointment. Our team will be cleaning your teeth for you, but it is helpful to remove food and plaque beforehand so we can focus on the more difficult-to-clean areas. You also want to make sure you are prepared to share pertinent information such as your medical history, insurance coverage and current dental care methods with us. We also want you to share your goals with us. For example: “I want to keep my teeth for a lifetime”, “I wish my teeth were whiter”, “I don’t want my teeth to be sensitive anymore.” Lastly, be prepared to schedule a follow-up appointment or future check-up at the end of your dental exam.

How often should I get a dental exam?

Dental exams should generally take place every six months. However, consult with our team to decide how often you should be examined, for we may suggest that you visit more frequently based on factors such as smoking, frequency of cavities and genetic susceptibility to tooth and root decay as well as gum disease.

When should I take my child to the dentist?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears, or no later than his/her first birthday. The focus of the first visit is to look at the teeth for any abnormalities and discuss healthy oral hygiene and dietary habits to prevent dental decay.