Get Help for a Dental Emergency Charlotte NC

Dental emergencies seem to occur at the most inconvenient times. Minor dental pain can quickly become a major health emergency. Dental emergencies include sudden severe pain, large infection, swelling, broken teeth, trauma, or intraoral bleeding.

When you are experiencing a dental emergency, getting treatment quickly is essential. At Langley Dental Care, we believe that comprehensive dental care includes treating emergencies as they arise.

Dental emergencies can occur without warning. Issues that can become emergencies include severe pain, a lost tooth, a broken tooth, and serious bleeding in the mouth. These problems can put you at risk of losing a tooth permanently or otherwise indicate an emergency.

Getting care quickly is essential in these situations. At Langley Dental Care, part of our comprehensive treatment includes helping patients who may need emergency dental help.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any new dental development that causes sudden, intense pain or discomfort. Examples of emergencies include the following:

  • A tooth that has been knocked out or knocked loose
  • Broken tooth
  • Severe sudden pain
  • Lost filling or crown that leads to discomfort
  • Intraoral bleeding that does not stop
  • Abscess or infection

If you aren’t certain if your condition is an emergency, contact our emergency dentist in Charlotte NC. It’s best to err on the side of caution, especially if you have severe pain, a lost tooth, or bleeding.

How Can I Prevent a Dental Emergency?

You can prevent a dental emergency by taking good care of your teeth through regular dental cleanings and checkups. Always follow through on treatment recommendations to prevent decay from leading to an infection that could cause an abscess.

When playing contact sports, it is best to wear a mouthguard. Mouthguards lower the likelihood of damage to teeth in the case of contact with another player or a ball.

Lastly, if you have dental surgery, follow all aftercare instructions to reduce the chances of complications that might include bleeding or infection.

What Should I Do If I Have a Dental Emergency?

If you think you have a dental emergency, call our office immediately. We’ll let you know what to do next. We can work you in during office hours or direct you to the nearest location where you can get treatment when we are not open.

For a knocked-out or broken tooth, place the tooth or tooth piece in a glass of milk. Ideally, you should seek care within an hour or less to minimize the chance of permanent tooth loss.

Never place aspirin to dissolve on a tooth or the gums if you have pain. Aspirin can irritate the gums and cause an ulcer to form.

When you arrive, you may need a lost tooth splinted, x-rays to find the cause of pain, or to see if you have an infection or treatment to stop bleeding. Our top rated Charlotte dentists are experienced in addressing dental emergencies and can answer any questions you may have to alleviate uncertainties.